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Nottingham Insight

Demography and Social Environmental Context Chapter (2023)

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Topic title Demography chapter: the people of Nottingham (2023)
Topic author(s) Niki Kirk - Policy & Research Team
Current version Sept 2023
Insight Document ID 91518

Executive summary


This document considers Nottingham’s population and how demographic factors impact on the health and wellbeing of its residents and influence the needs and demand for health and social care services. It also considers the impact of estimated population changes in the future.

When looking at the information in this document, it is important to bear in mind that the City’s demographic profile is heavily influenced by its being largely the inner urban part of the wider Nottingham Core City Area. 


  • The 2021 Census showed Nottingham City had a population of 323,700, an increase of 5.9% (18,000) since the 2011 Census.
  • The population is projected to rise to 356,100 in 2043.
  • International migration (primarily from Eastern Europe) and natural change (the excess of births over deaths) are the main reasons for the population growth recently.
  • 30% of the population are aged 18 to 29 – full-time university students comprise about 1 in 7 of the population.
  • The number of births has decreased in the past few years, but is higher than the start of the 2000’s.
  • The 2021 Census shows 43% of the population as being from ethnic minority groups; an increase from 35% in 2011 and 19% in 2001.
  • Despite its young age-structure, Nottingham has a higher than average rate of people with poor health or disability.
  • White ethnic groups have higher rates of poor health overall, although this varies with age. Some ethnic minority groups have higher rates of poor health in the older age groups.
  • The City gains young adults due to migration, both international and within Britain, whilst losing all other age groups - this includes losing families with children as they move to the surrounding districts.
  • There is a high turnover of population – 20.4% of people changed address in the year before the 2021 Census, compared to 11% in England overall.

Key contacts

Niki Kirk

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