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Folder Respect for Nottingham Surveys Respect for Nottingham Surveys

Contains 2 resources


Respect for Nottingham Survey (2019)

  • Dataset
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 10/03/2020

Respect for Nottingham Survey 2019 Final Draft

Places: Nottingham City

Respect for Nottingham Survey (2018)

  • Report
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 01/04/2019

This report contains a summary of the findings from the ‘Respect for Nottingham’ survey commissioned by the Nottingham Crime & Drugs Partnership and conducted by Information by Design (IbyD) with fieldwork undertaken in between September and December 2018. The survey was undertaken to explore the views and opinions of residents about their local area and the city centre in relation to aspects of anti-social behaviour (ASB), crime and community safety and the strategic partnership between Nottinghamshire Police and Nottingham City Council.

Places: Nottingham City