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Writing a funding bid

The Big Lottery shared with us the types of information they would like to see included within a funding application. We have written this page to help you find evidence to include in a, hopefully successful, funding application. 

Creating an evidence base

When creating your evidence base for a funding application it is important to remember to include key elements:

  • Why your project will be beneficial in the area you have chosen?
  • Who will your project help?
  • Why is your project needed in this area?
    • What priorities does your project support?
    • What statistics show that your area is in more need?
  • Whether you have successfully delivered projects like this before?
  • Have you consulted with the people your project will benefit and other key stakeholders?
  • Are there other projects working in the same area or field and how will your project fit in?

Evidence base creation resources

The Big Lottery The Big Lottery have a bespoke area on their website which details fundamental concepts and principles when applying for funding. They also provide supporting documentation which will help you with your funding bid.

Community consultation resources

Further support is available help organisations learn how to create an evidence base for a fundraising application. This support is on offer through a range of community & voluntary sector support organisations spread across Nottingham & Nottinghamshire - please see the Nottingham CVS website for further information.

Key information about Nottingham

 Use our Nottingham City profile to provide your funders with a little information about what Nottingham is like as a city, or find information about your local area. Visit the document library to find the full ward report for the city. Visit the deprivation pages to find evidence about need in your area and find out more about the indices of deprivation 2019.

Nottingham's health needs

Many funding applications rely on information about health and wellbeing. Nottingham's health needs are defined in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). The JSNA is split into a series of individual chapters which define needs that often overlap with areas of voluntary sector services, e.g. 'mental health'.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) tells a story of communities in terms of their health and well-being. The JSNA in Nottingham helps the local authority, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) to better understand the needs of the population so they can plan and organise services. To help create an evidence base for your work the JSNA is a good starting point.

Take a look at Nottinghamshire's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment on Nottinghamshire Insight to see what the priorities are across the county. 

Primary Care Network Profiles are also available under the Health and Wellbeing theme.

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Clinical Commissioning Groups replaced Primary Care Trusts from 1st April 2013 as the lead commissioner for the majority of health services. The move towards Clinical Commissioning means that GP’s, health professionals and partners will have a greater involvement in planning, monitoring and purchasing NHS Services, ensuring the services meet the needs of the local population. For example services will include hospitals, pharmacies, community and voluntary services.

In Nottinghamshire, there are seven CCG’s as outlined below:-

Funding opportunities

There are many opportunities available from national, regional or local funders to support the work of community & voluntary sector providers.

Nottinghamshire Community Foundation (NCF)

NCF are committed to improving the quality of life of the people of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire by raising and managing funds for distribution in response to local needs. NCF has a variety of grant programmes available to voluntary & community groups including the One Nottingham small grants scheme.

Nottingham Community and Voluntary Services

Nottingham Community & Voluntary Service (NCVS) supports local voluntary organisations in Nottingham to identify and apply for appropriate funding streams.

East Midland Tenders

This procurement portal is used by Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and the seven district and borough council to advertise local tender opportunities and contracts. You need to register your organisations to receive alerts and to respond to tender opportunities.

Supply to the NHS

Supply to the NHS is the approved website used by the NHS to promote a wide range of contracts out for tender across the UK.

Ardem Gem

This procurement portal is used by Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group and CCG's in Nottinghamshire to advertise local tender opportunities and contracts. You need to register your organisation to receive alerts and to respond to any tender opportunities.

Funding Central

Funding Central is a smart website for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. The site provides access to thousands of funding and finance opportunities, plus a wealth of tools and resources supporting organisations to develop sustainable income strategies appropriate to their needs. (Please note that you now need to pay a registration fee to use this service.)

Big Lottery

BIG is responsible for delivering around half of all funds raised for good causes (14 pence of every pound spent on a Lottery Ticket) by The National Lottery. BIG issues grants between £300 and £500,000.