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Topic title | Special Educational Needs and Disability 0 to 25 years |
Topic owner | Nicholas Lee, Director of Education Services, Nottingham City Council & David Johns, Deputy Director of Public Health, Nottingham City Council |
Topic author(s) | Jennifer Burton, Public Health Manager, Nottingham City Council, Janine Walker, Head of SEND, Nottingham City Council, Anna Glozier, Programme Manager, Nottingham City Council |
Topic endorsed by | SEND Partnership Assurance and Improvement Group |
Replaces version | 2016 |
Linked JSNA topics |
This chapter considers the needs of children and young people, aged 0 to 25 years with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) also often referred to as (SEN) who live in Nottingham City. The SEND code of practice[1] highlights the importance of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for informing local authority and Integrated Care Board (ICB) joint commissioning for children and young people with SEND. The code of practice defines SEN as:
“A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
Children and young people who have SEND may also have a disability under the Equality Act 2010[2]. The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as “a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.” All children and young people with disabilities do not necessarily have SEN but there is significant overlap. The Nottingham City vision is “A city where every child and young person can enjoy their childhood in a warm and supporting environment, free from poverty and safe from harm; a city where every child grows up to achieve their full potential”[3].
Unmet need and gaps
There are a number of factors which may make a child more at risk of requiring SEND support or an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) such as smoking and alcohol or drug use during pregnancy and poverty is “both a cause and effect of SEND”[4]
In terms of inequalities:
Recommendations for consideration by commissioners
Data collation and reporting |
1 |
Improved data capture, sharing and reporting for SEND indicators in all CYP and adult health services. Continue to develop a multiagency data dashboard to robustly capture and monitor outcome-based data (with a focus on health inequalities) |
ICB, health providers, LA |
2 |
Routinely collate and analyse data about SEND children and young people transitioning to adult services to inform service development and joint commissioning. |
ICB, health providers, LA, PH |
3 |
Routinely collate and analyse data about children and young people with SEND in the Youth Justice Services. |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
Service delivery |
4 |
Review the feedback from the annual SEND parent carer forum survey and use information to inform improvements in service provision. |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
5 |
Ensure that Nottingham City can respond to the increasing children and young people with SEN needs which will lead to an increasing demand on services |
LA, ICB, health providers |
6 |
Continue to develop a continuum of specialist provision across the City to ensure that there is adequate capacity. Ensure developments are shared with partners at an early stage of development
LA |
7 |
Review and refresh the Transitions Strategy and: · Ensure that this is embedded across the workforce · Ensure that young people and families have a clear pathway and information available at the right time to support a smooth transition |
LA and ICB |
8 |
Undertake a full commissioning review of Alternative Provision to ensure there is sufficient high quality provision available for young people unable to attend school
LA |
9 |
Review and implement improvements to health pathways for children with SEND to reduce waiting times and ensure ease of access for children and families. |
Nottingham City and Notts County LA, ICB |
SEND Local Offer |
10 |
Continue to co-produce and refresh the current Local Offer website so that it is more easily navigated by parents and carers following earlier feedback that this was previously a challenge. |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
11 |
Develop a new communications plan for the SEND Local Offer to promote the site to members of the public and professionals |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
12 |
Ensure the SEND Local Offer information is reviewed and kept up to date through the agreed review process and engage with service providers to ensure they keep their records as up to date as possible |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
13 |
Work with the local provider market to develop and provide a range of short breaks including those delivered through internal provision, the community, commissioned services and those purchased through personal budgets. |
ICB, health providers, LA, |
14 |
Develop local overnight short breaks provision for children with complex and profound physical disabilities. |
15 |
Continue to embed the Routes to Inclusion programme including domains Speech, Language & Communication, Cognition & Learning and Family & Community. Further development of the links between special provision and mainstream schools will extend the good practice, knowledge and expertise available across all settings, as part of ongoing CPD opportunities for teachers and support staff. |
LA |
National Guidance |
16 |
Implement the National SEND and AP improvement plan published in 2023 |
SEND Partnership Assurance and Improvement Group |
17 |
Identifying and delivering the support needed by schools and families to keep children engaged in education who are unable to attend school due to health needs (as outlined in the DfE Guidance 2023)
LA, ICB, health providers |
[1] SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (
[2] Equality Act 2010: guidance - GOV.UK (
[3] Nottingham City Children and Young People's Plan
[4] Special educational needs and their links to poverty | Joseph Rowntree Foundation (
Nicholas Lee, Director of Education Services, Nottingham City Council
Jenn Burton, Public Health Manager, Nottingham City Council