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JSNA Evidence Summary (2020)

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Topic title JSNA Evidence Summary
Topic owner David Johns, Consultant in Public Health
Topic author(s) Amy Pellow and Gill Clark, Strategic Insight Assistant Researchers
Topic quality reviewed June 2020
Topic endorsed by JSNA Steering Group
Topic approved by JSNA Steering Group
Current version June 2020
Replaces version 2019
Linked JSNA topics

Executive summary

This Evidence Summary presents an overview of the health and wellbeing needs in Nottingham City using the key findings from Nottingham City’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


JSNAs are local assessments of current and future health and social care needs. The aim of a JSNA is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community and reduce inequalities for all ages through ensuring commissioned services reflect need. It is used to help determine what actions local authorities, the NHS and other partners need to take to meet health and social care needs and to address the wider determinants that impact on health and wellbeing.


Nottingham City’s JSNA chapters each consider a particular health and social care issue or the health and social care needs of specific groups.  The full JSNA can be accessed at  It is only possible to present a brief overview of this information in this Evidence Summary and so it should be used in conjunction with the full JSNA.


All supporting data and information for this Evidence Summary, including references, can be found in individual chapters.


Key contacts

Amy Pellow and Gill Clark, Strategic Insight Assistant Researchers

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