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Other health resources

Below is a list of other health resources available, both local and national. Please contact us via our feedback form if you think we've missed any key resources.


Local resources

  • Public health - Nottingham City Council The Public Health team at Nottingham City aims to improve the health of the population both directly and working together with partners. The website provides an overview of the work of the team.
  • Healthy Nottingham is a partnership between Nottingham City Council, NHS and the wider community to improve the health and wellbeing of the population of Nottingham and reduce health inequalities and provides details of the priorities in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  
  • Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System  is a partnership between the NHS and care organisations to support health and wellbeing and support active communities.

National resources

  • NHS Choices is the official website of the National Health Service in England. NHS Choices is a comprehensive health information service with thousands of articles, videos and tools, helping you make the best choices about your health and lifestyle, as well as making the most of NHS and social care services in England.  
  • NHS Digital (previously HSCIC) provide national information, data and IT systems for health and care services. The website aims to help patients, clinicians, commissioners, analysts and researchers by making better use of technology, data and information.
  • Public health profiles (Fingertips) is a comprehensive source of indicators across a wide range of health and wellbeing themes. Profiles have been developed by Public Health England.
  • NICE (National Institute for Health Care Excellence) offer guidance, advice and information services for health, public health and social care professionals.
  • NICE (National Institute for Health Care Excellence) evidence search provide access to selected and authoritative evidence in health, social care and public health.
  • Healthwatch are an independent organisation for people who use health and social care services.
  • NHS England leads the National Health Service in England. The website includes access to statistics and publications.