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Primary Care Network Profiles

Primary Care Network Profiles


Primary Care Networks are focused on services within neighbourhoods. Together GP's work with social care, pharmacists, mental health and other local health and care providers to deliver local services to the local population.

Primary Care Networks comprise of clusters of GP's. Each PCN is led by a clinical director

Profiles have been created for each Primary Care Network in the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS). They provide a detailed view covering the various aspects of the health, wellbeing and social care of the different Primary Care Networks (PCNs). They are intended to help inform the needs of the local population, to assist and support the planning of local services They will allow organisations and teams working in PCNs to develop tailored approaches to engagement and communications and understand issues unique to each population.

View PCN profiles for:


Nottingham City North Nottinghamshire Mid Nottinghamshire South Nottinghamshire