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Nottingham Insight

Transport websites

Building a Better Nottingham

Find out about major transport projects taking place in and around Nottingham City by visiting our Building a Better Nottingham website.

Go Ultra Low

Nottingham is already one of the UK’s exemplar cities for integrated sustainable transport and energy generation.

Government aims, that by 2040, every new car and van sold in the UK will be an ULEV. Our vision is for Nottingham to become an exemplar for Ultra Low Emission Vehicles spanning private cars, vans, buses, taxis and commercial fleets as a core part of our sustainable transport system. Find out more at Go Ultra Low website.

Nottingham Insight Mapping - transport data

Nottingham City Council publish transport data onto its interactive mapping website


Keep up to date with live traffic and travel information for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.


Plan your journey using Traveline

Streets Register

The streets register contains access to all the streets and paths that are maintained by the Council as well as the definitive map of public rights of way. This information is regularly accessed by citizens, solicitors and conveyancers during the house buying process, as well as by teams within the council when designing traffic schemes as part of “Let's Keep Nottingham Moving”, repairing streets or planners considering making development decisions.


Many of the documents about our programmes can be found on Nottingham Insight in the major projects folder or the transport and streets folder.