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Folder Census 2011 Census 2011

Contains 9 resources


Census 2011 % of population who are White Other

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are White Other using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population who are White British

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are White British using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population who are Pakistani

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are Pakistani using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population who are Mixed

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are Mixed using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population who are Indian

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are Indian using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population who are Black Minority Ethnic

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population who are Black Minority Ethnic using the Census 2011 data. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population stating "Bad Health"

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of population stating "Bad Health". Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Census 2011 % of population (aged 16-64) with a long term health problems or disability

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 12/04/2017

Map showing the percentage of 16-64 year olds with long term health problems or a disability. Please see for more information.

Places: Nottingham City

Nottingham City - Census 2011 poster

  • Map
  • published by Nottingham City Council on 04/03/2014

Poster detailing key tables from the Census 2011 for Nottingham City. Includes demographics, ethnicity, unpaid care, day to day activities limited a lot, penisonable age.

Places: Nottingham City