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Nottingham Insight

Key facts about Nottingham

Below are some of the headline figures for Nottingham. We have also produced an infographic providing an overview of Nottingham City. 


Nottingham has an estimated population of 323,700 people (Census 2021).

In Nottingham 20.7 % (69,100) of the population are aged 0-17 years old, 69.6% (231,600) are working age, 16-65 years old, and 11.6% (38,800) are over 65 years old. (Mid-Year Estimates 2019)

There are 43,300 university students within Nottingham. 

Life expectancy and health

Life expectancy at birth for females is 81 years. (2018-20 data)

Life expectancy at birth for males is 76.6 years. (2018-20 data)

For more information about life expectancy please see the JSNA life expectancy chapter.


Please see Nottingham's JSNA for more information about health and well-being in the city. The aim of a JSNA is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community and reduce inequalities for all ages. Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs) are local assessments of current and future health and social care needs that could be met by the local authority, Primary Care Networks (PCNs), or the NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB). 


In 2021, there were 12,065 active VAT and/or PAYE registered enterprises in Nottingham, an increase of 0.8% (95 enterprises) since 2020.

Just under 80% of businesses in Nottingham City are classed as micro businesses which are either run solely by the business owner or have fewer than 10 employees.

Please see business demography and business and sectors for more information.


Nottingham is the 11th most deprived district in the country out of 317 districts in England using the Average Score measure. (Indices of Deprivation 2019 - ONS)

56 of the 182 City LSOAs fall amongst the 10% most deprived in the country. 104 fall in the 20% most deprived.

The lowest ranking LSOA in the City is in Bulwell, which ranks 130th nationally out of 32,844, but, unlike in 2015, no City LSOA ranks in the most deprived 100 LSOAs in the country.

8 LSOAs in the City rank in the 20% least deprived in the country.


Nottingham's employment rate is 75.0% (Apr 2020 - March 2021 - NOMIS). This is the number of people that are employed as a percentage of all those that are working age, i.e. 16-64 years old.

For those claiming benefits please see the latest benefits bulletin.

Education and skills

OFSTED: (February 2020)

  • For outstanding/good inspections, Nottingham is ranked 100 for providers (84%) and 119 for places/learners (80%).

Absence: (2021/2022)


  • The overall pupil absence in Nottingham Secondary schools is 6.3%.
  • The national average is 5.5%.
  • The percentage of persistent absentees in Nottingham Secondary schools is 17.6% compared to 14.8% nationally.

Attainment: (2021/2022)

KS4 GCSE's pupils achieving grades 4 or above in English and Maths

  • 63.6% in Nottingham compared to 72.2% in England.

(Please note this is based on pupil's residence and not school location).

Number of domestic properties

There are 126,100 properties in Nottingham.

65% are in Council Tax Band A (Valuation Office Agency, July 2016) compared to 25% of properties nationally.