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Nottingham Insight

Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI)


Income Deprivation affecting Older People Index (IDAOPI) measures the proportion of all those aged 60 or over who experience income deprivation. It is a subset of the Income Deprivation domain which measures the proportion of the population in an area experiencing deprivation relating to income.    

IDAOPI is a useful indicator to understand the levels of deprivation in an areas, specific to those aged 60 or over and can be useful to evidence need in a specific area of the City.


Nottingham ranks 20th most deprived out of the 317 districts in England using the IDAOPI Average Score measure.   This compares with 18th in 2015.

  • Local Authorities which rank as more deprived than Nottingham using the Average Score measure are:-
    • 8 London Boroughs
    • Manchester
    • Liverpool
    • Leicester
    • Knowsley
    • Sandwell
    • Kingston upon Hull
    • Blackburn with Darwen.
  • Of these, just Lewisham and Blackburn with Darwen ranked as less deprived than the City in 2015, (ranking 19th and 27th in 2015 respectively).
  • Nottingham ranks fourth most deprived of the Core Cities behind Manchester (5th out of 317); Liverpool (8th); and Birmingham (14th).
  • The others rank as follows: Newcastle upon Tyne (31st); Sheffield (57th); Bristol (61st); and Leeds (86th).

Changes between 2015 and 2019


The ‘scores’ for IDAOPI are the proportion of over 60’s in an area experiencing Income Deprivation.

  • 23.8% of older people in Nottingham (11,800) are affected by income deprivation. This is a slight change on the 2015 indices which suggested 25.9% of older people were affected.
  • Around 300 more older people in Nottingham experience Income Deprivation in 2019 than in 2015, a 2.8% increase.

The Income Deprivation Affecting Older People Index LSOA Results


  • In the IDAOPI LSOA Results, 51 of the 182 City LSOAs (28%) fall amongst the 10% most deprived in the country. 99 fall in the 20% most deprived. This compares to 48 and 95 LSOAs in the 2015 indices.

IDOPI Bar Chart

  • As shown on the table below, 6 LSOAs have dropped out of the 10% most deprived and 8 have fallen into this decile.

IDOPI Decile changes between 2015 and 2019


  • 23 LSOAs have improved by a decile or more, and 40 have got relatively more deprived by a decile or more.
  • The lowest ranking LSOA in the City is in Hyson Green and Arboretum – around Noel Street, which ranks 104th nationally out of 32,844.
  • No ward has all LSOAs in the most deprived 10%.
  • Hyson Green and Arboretum, and Radford wards have the highest percentage of older people affected by income deprivation – at 43% and 46% respectively, although Bilborough ward has the highest number affected (1,240 – equivalent to 33%)
  • To find out the location of a particular LSOA, we have created a web app. Simply type in a LSOA code into the search box and the map will zoom to its location.

LSOAs in the 10% most deprived in Nottingham City

To find out all Lower Super Output Areas which fall in the 10% most deprived in Nottingham City please see the following links below.


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