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Nottingham Insight

Citizens' survey

What is the Citizens' survey?

The Citizens' survey is undertaken on an annual bases to gather citizens' perceptions on a variety of subjects including quality of life, health and wellbeing, community cohesion, feelings about Nottingham and satisfaction with the Council. Face to face surveys were carried out with 2,006 Nottingham citizens during October and November 2019.

What were the key findings?

Up until 2018, the Citizens Survey results remained reasonably consistent over the previous 5 years, however the 2018 results saw some statistically significant changes. In 2019 a number of these measures showed no further deterioration and some improved but not to pre-2018 levels. Nonetheless, we continue to show higher levels of satisfaction than the national picture.

Thinking about their local area:

  • 85% of respondents are satisfied with their local area as a place to live
  • 65% are satisfied with the cleanliness of their local area
  • 93% feel that their local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together

Views of the Council:

  • 67% of respondents are satisfied with Nottingham City Council
  • 83% think the Council treats them fairly
  • 61% of respondents believe the City Council provides value for money
  • 92% respondents who had recently contacted the Council, agree the person handling their enquiry was polite

Experiences due to current economic climate:

  • 17% of respondents said they are struggling or constantly not keeping up with bills (22% in 2018^)
  • 36% said they did not know or were unsure of where to go for advice, help or support when they encounter financial difficulties (38% in 2018*)
  • 41% of respondents said that they were not aware that the Council has had to make significant savings to their budget over the past few years. 51% said they were aware with 9% who were unsure.
  • 42% of respondents were aware that the Council has to make further savings to their budget over the next few years. 48% said they are aware with 9% who were unsure.

Health findings:

  • 25% of respondents smoke, this has seen no change however remains well above the national average of 18%
  • 8% are at risk of developing alcohol-related health problems

More detailed reports

Archived results

Archived results are available here. Due to different methodologies and question wording, direct comparisons cannot always be made with previous surveys.

2018 results
2017 results
2016 results
2015 results


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